
The Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP®) is a comprehensive assessment instrument, developed by the Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence (ISEI). With the SEIP® you can instantly see your strengths and potential vulnerabilities when it comes to social and emotional intelligence.

 The SEIP®

  • Measures both social AND emotional intelligence with 26 relevant and distinct social and emotional intelligence competencies.

  • Is available as a self-assessment electronically via the web.

  • Describes in behavioral terms what it looks like when you have the social and emotional intelligence skills and when you don’t.

  • Includes practical suggestions, development tips and resources on how you can strengthen and enhance your social and emotional intelligence.

  • Also available in a 360 version in which your supervisor, direct reports, peers and others can provide anonymous, confidential feedback to you in order to help you become more aware of how you are perceived by others and your impact on others.

What is Social & Emotional Intelligence?

  • Social & Emotional Intelligence is a form of intelligence that drives our success in work, in life and in our relationships with others.

  • It is about being aware of ourselves and others, in the moment, and using that awareness to manage ourselves (our behavior, our responses to stressful or challenging situations), and manage our relationships effectively.

  • Social and emotional intelligence (S+EI or sometimes referred to as EI or EQ) encompasses many skill sets, including stress management, resilience, managing conflict productively, powerful influencing skills, catalyzing change, teamwork and collaboration, building trust and much more…

The SEIP® and Coaching
Our coaching programs are fully customized to your needs, and include coaching related to how you can leverage your strengths, as well as address your developmental needs within the context of your personal or professional situation.

Contact us to discuss how we can help you to strengthen your social and emotional intelligence!
